Monday, October 1, 2007

#7 Techno talk

Yes, I remember the introduction of computers in libraries, learning basic keyboard skills ,how to use a mouse and the introduction of internets in to the workplace. I remember when we had to sleuth out information using book resources only. The world we live in moves at a frantic pace and continual change. This is also reflected in the technology around us and its ability to transform at every turn. The beauty of it is its immediacy - people demand answers and delivery of information now! and more often than not, almost by magic we can deliver - no matter how esoteric the subject. There is something online to cover whatever you need to find, create and communicate - and being part of that is exciting.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Me too, Linda. I remember enjoying the relaxing and companionable needle-sorting of book cards on a great big work-bench Hawthorn in the late 1960s. We needed a good memory for Dewey numbers and LC Subject-headings, and the skills I learned then still help me today.